AUBURN, Maine - A large dinosaur skull that was discovered in a homeowner's backyard has left local authorities and archeologists scratching their heads over how it got there.
The ancient skull was found after a father and son were shoveling the driveway when they first noticed the giant bone protruding from the snow.
By Sunday afternoon, curious neighbors began surrounding the property to get a look at the bleached skull.
"Like, I can't believe this thing. It's like a giant monster," said Serena Augustas of Portland.
Augustas heard something about the unusual find on Facebook and just had to see it for herself.
Archeologist George Franco, of the National Institute of Old Bones, said he is trying to obtain permission from the homeowner to have the site excavated.
But Dig-a-Ditch-eo is not sure if he wants to part with the skull.
"Hey, I might start charging people who want to take a look at this thing. Times are tough and I could use the money," said the stunned homeowner, as a crowd continued to circle the find.
Are you serious? Aah, not really!
Obviously, this tongue-and-cheek news story is really about a father and son who had the time of their lives modeling a dinosaur out of snow, which continues to fall with no end in sight during this outlandish winter.
We didn't need video games or a television set to spend a Sunday afternoon together. All we required was a shovel and some serious imagination to create this monstrosity from the past.
The sun was out, temperatures reached the mid 40s, which is like beach weather after days of below-normal temperatures in the Pine Tree State, and the snow was like clay. To spend such a wonderful day inside messing with a computer or watching another pathetic television show is a travesty and a missed opportunity to spend time with my child.
I am a proud and attentive father who discovered long ago that children want the time of day and attention from their parents. A trip to Disney World would be a wonderful event for this cash-strapped family, but a 100-mile drive to Fort Knox and checking out 10- and 12-inch Civil-War era cannon is a better buy and an opportunity for this family of three to step back in the past and enjoy the Pine Tree's rich history.
Time is always of the essence when it comes to forging an unbreakable bond with your child.
Archie "Moonlight" Graham, the lovable character in "Field of Dreams," put it this way:
"We don't recognize our most significant moments while they're happening. Back then I thought, Well, there'll be other days. I didn't realize that was the only day."
While there will be other days with my son, Sunday was the only day to bring that dinosaur to life.
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