FARMINGTON — Anthony’s journey to Peru started on Tuesday morning. He joined handful of University of Maine at Farmington students and two professors and headed to Boston’s Logan Airport.
The bleary-eyed bunch left UMF at 4 a.m. The Maine contingent departed Logan at 10 a.m. and stopped in Newark, New Jersey for a layover before spending the next eights hours in the air while mom and dad worried like hell.
They reached the Pacific coast after traveling 3,777 miles to Lima where they landed around 9 p.m. Terri and I were ready to throw a party when he sent a Facebook message stating he was back on the ground.
Silly parents!
But Anthony and the rest of the UMF crew are about to become unofficial ambassadors to Peru and see apart of the world that remains forgotten about.
But Anthony and the rest of the UMF crew are about to become unofficial ambassadors to Peru and see apart of the world that remains forgotten about.
“Arrive at Peru 9:30,” Anthony wrote on Facebook. Don't expect me to write till around midnight, just so you don't worry.
“I understand. We love you,” Dad wrote as he reached an anxiety pill.
If I had it my way, those crazy kids would be traveling with a Navy Seal team and the U.S. Secret Service.
Silly parents!
The information about his trip is coming in drips and drabs because of access to the internet. Of course, every transmission stops the urge to call in the U.S. Marines and soothes his worried parents.
Here are Tuesday’s transmissions.
“Just checked in to hostel, flight was fine,” Anthony wrote as dad began to breath a little easier.
“Hot here today 80 degrees,” Anthony wrote. “Visited sites in Lima. Tomb of Francisco Pizarro in cathedral.
WEDNESDAY 05/17/17
Mom wrote: “How is the food?”
“Yes I'm fine. Food is pretty good. It's incredible here,” Anthony wrote.
Mom wrote: “must be exciting see any animals??”
Llamas, alpacas, guinea pigs. Had calamari for dinner,” Anthony wrote
THURSDAY 05/18/17
Thanks. Head to Pachacamac on the Pacific today, Anthony wrote:
According to Time Magazine: Located on a desert bluff, Pachacamac has panoramic views of the Pacific Ocean on one side, and a view of the foothills of the Andes on the other. The location made it one of the principal religious centers of pre-Columbian Lima. Until the Spaniards arrived in Lima in the 1530s, Pachacamac was the home of the most powerful Incan oracle on Peru's central coast.
Today, the site, which covers several square miles, offers visitors a glimpse at the intricate mud-brick structures of ancient Incan architecture. There is an on-going archaeological project run by several institutions, including Southern Illinois University and the Catholic University of Peru, and a small on-site museum that displays artifacts found over nearly a century of excavations.
Wow. I was in the northern part of the Atacama Desert today. Thanks love ya. Have lots of stories when I get home. Fly to Andahuaylas tomorrow. Not sure if internet but will write when able, Anthony wrote.
Anytime, he mentions flying around Peru, I get nervous again, Dad wrote.
Friday, 05/19/17
Once again, Anthony and his band of nomads are on the move as he explores Peru and it’s rich history. Here are his latest posts on Friday. I miss him, but I can’t wait to see his pictures. He did report that several his party had altitude sickness.
‘Cool landed, Staying at Munay Wasi near Andahuaylas. Super rustic, about as much as you can get. Our place is very nice though,’ Anthony wrote. Yeah I saw pictures. There is electricity and water. It is like a hacienda of sorts
“We are visiting a part of Peru most tourists don't go to The place we are staying at is a French religious mission. Like the kind in the westerns, but without monks Today we visited Andahualyas and the museum there. We mostly took it easy. We are now at 9,000 feet Some were sick because of it,” Anthony wrote
And the velocity of dad’s heart races and grows louder with each worry.
"Had spaghetti," Anthony wrote Spaghetti?
"In Peru? What the hell?," Dad wrote
Saturday, 05/19/17
Anthony was awakened by roosters and 50-degree weather in the Andes mountains. He will departing by bus for Cusco — which is more for tourists and hour and a half away.
This was our Saturday morning chat, which lasted 20 precious minutes. You can learn a lot in 20 minutes
“Roosters invillage woke us up,” Anthony wrote.
“Drink water, buddy. Be aware of your body and what it needs. Love ya. This message was brought to you by loving parents,” dad wrote
“Love you too. Like 50 here,” Anthony wrote.
“That is because you are in the desert, right?,” dad wrote.
No in the Andes mountains, desert was two days go. We flew up here, 9000 feet above sea level,” Anthony wrote
“That must be one helluva of a sight. Taking pictures, I hope. Have to see them,” dad wrote, “What kind of plane?”
“Yes I am. Does it hold 500 or 1000 pics? Two engine prop plane,” Anthony wrote
“It should hold more than that. Be selective with your shots. I should have given you another memory card,” dad wrote
“No it's fine have 250 so far just wondered about limit,” Anthony wrote
“Not sure, but I know I took over 800 at Gettysburg. How you holding out with altitude? Mom is getting coffee and lab tests,” Dad wrote
“Honestly have felt no changes. You breathe a bit faster but that's normal. Not sick or dehydrated,” Anthony wrote.
“Keep the water coming. What is for breakfast.” Dad wrote
“Buttered bread and oranges,” Anthony wrote
“OK, go with it. Maybe you could go to Dunkin Donuts and get some Munchkins?” Dad joked.
“Haha they have them in Lima but not here in the country,” Anthony wrote
“Well, I will open one there. Remember, everything runs on Dunkin, including Peru,” Dad wrote.
“Haha sounds good. We go to Cusco Monday night. More touristy there,” Anthony wrote.
“Buy mom something. Is your cash holding out?,” Dad wrote
“Yes it is. I exchanged 300 and got 900 Got mom something already,” Anthony wrote
“I am having so much fun following you. I have been publishing it on my blog and then to Facebook. That was nice of you. Just take care of yourself. You are on great adventure thanks to Jeff,” Dad wrote
“Yes it is so much fun, will tell you all the stories when I get home. Haven't had to change camera batteries yet,” Anthony wrote.
“That's because the warmth keeps the batteries going longer. Are you flying again to your next destination?,” Dad wrote
“Not flying again till the end. Cusco to Lima, Lima to Newark, Newark to Boston,” Anthony wrote.
“Need anything. I will fly down and personally deliver it,” Dad wrote.
“Haha no I'm fine,” Anthony said.
“How are you getting to Cusco?,” Dad wrote.
“By bus,” Anthony wrote. “
How long a ride?,” Dad wrote
“About an hour and a half.” Anthony wrote
“Is Mrs. Frizzle driving the Magic School Bus?,” Dad wrote.
“No , Roki,” Anthony wrote
“Are there like real roads that are safe? Dad is always concerned,” Dad wrote.
“Yes they are real roads. Paved two years ago so they are nice,” Anthony wrote.
“I feel blessed,” Dad Wrote.
And then there was a long silence for the rest of the day, which drove two parents crazy. We went for a walk in Lisbon, hoping the two-mile course next to a soothing stream would sooth our apprehension.
That wasn’t happening.
I got on Facebook and started transmitting over the air.
“Red River 5 are there, over? This BAT21, come in Red River 5, over!,” Dad wrote
Then Anthony was back on the air at around 6:30 p.m. A sigh of relief was heard throughout the Pine Tree State. I called the Pentagon and ordered the Delta Force to stand down.
“It will be fine. If I made it to Andahuaylas, I am fine,” Anthony wrote.
“Good to hear from you what u see today?”, Mom wrote
“We hiked a Chanka site. Ended up at 13,000 feet above sea level. Hard to hike in altitude,” Anthony wrote
“How long it take ? how long? Is it hard,” Mom wrote.
“45 mins. So hard. You stop every 15 feet to breathe. We drove around a lot. We were at 12,000 feet then hiked 1,000. No supper yet. Pizza restaurant soon” Anthony wrote
“Hiked a trail in Lisbon,” Mom wrote
“Oh neat. Yeah normally I'm good with hiking, but we had to get acclimated,” Anthony wrote.
“You staying at hostel,” Mom asked
“Yes I am. Warmest blankets ever,” Anthony wrote. “Llamas always. Stray dogs everywhere. They are friendly. We are careful and stay clean though. No cats.
“You make friends with people,” Mom asked.
“Yeah, it is a good group,” Anthony wrote. “Going to market tomorrow. Yeah it is neat. Very different here, poor. But all the people are friendly, everyone.
“Farmers yeah. They build their houses themselves. With what they can get.”
They have bottled water like Poland Spring?,” Mom asked.
“Yeah thats the only way we use it Even for tootbrushing,” Anthony wrote
Sunday, 05/21/17
There was no word from Anthony until 10 am.. I was about to bring the nation to Defcon Five, but then the silence was broken when Anthony wished his mom a happy birthday.
Happy Birthday!
Thanks we went to Farmington And Wilson Lake
what u do today, Mom wrote.
Today we went to the market. Got a cool souvenir will show you when home.
Where are you now and how are you feeling?, Mom wrote
I am at the hostel feeling fine
Mom says she loves you, and I believe her. Thanks for wishing her happy
birthday, Dad wrote
Love you guys too
Are you enjoying your whirlwind tour across the planet, Dad wrote
Yes it is great fun
How was market?, Dad asked
Like the old world. It was awesome
Nothing like stepping back in time and visiting the good old days. Nice people, huh?,” Dad asked.
Yes. Got called gringos about 10 times
Yeah, but I am betting they said it with affection.
glad you had fun, dad wrote
Yeah they did. Thank you
what u buy? i'm nosey whats. for supper?, mom wrote
Tapestry type thing, kind of scarf like but not for wear. Good souvenir. Tomorrow I'm in the village we can buy hand-made stuff Make our own dinner tonight not sure
oh love the stuff... i'm market to martket
dads back, on, i'm off to zumba love ya, Mom wrote
Love you too
Hey, had an assignment in Farmington today. What a ghost town with everybody gone. Took mom to Wilton, tossed her into Wilton Lake for Birthday. Just kidding., sarcastic dad wrote
Haha sounds like a fun day
Beautiful views, but I know you are having a grand time, too., Dad wrote.
Yes I am. Tons of fun seeing everything here. But will be good to come home too
We miss you and worry, but that's what parents do. But I am so proud of you. Just take cae of yourself., dad wrote.
I will
When do you leave there, dad wrote
Tuesday we go to Cusco
Driving or flying?, dad asked
Driving 6 to 8 hours
That is a long ride through the mountains, dad said.
Yeah it will be. We will stop for lunch though
Roads good or do I have to send the Navy Seabees to build safe roads?, dad wrote
They are good. They drive with skill here. Traffic in Lima was so terrible it makes Boston look great
Wow, that is bad driving because they don't call people from the Bay State Massholes for nothing., Dad wrote.
Monday, 05/22/17
Anthony has been in the Andes living among the population for the past three days. He now embarks on an seven-hour ride to Cusco, which is also a tourist destination. My anxiety level will be up there as he makes his way through the mountains via a bus.
Morning happy monday, Anthony wrote
Morning to you. How is the weather, dad talking
Nice here about 56
So another day in the mountains, right?
Yes today.
Heading to market. Cool!
No village with stuff for sale
That is cool How are the hostels treating all of you.
Very good
Will you stay in touch with anyone you have visited?
It would be hard, one phone in the village
Didn't get to know them that well
Fair enough. We are without a stove that caught fire and burned for 15 minutes. Coil went up in smoke.
That sucks. When are you getting a new one?
Not for a little while. Got to pay other bills. Will live off the grill for a couple of weeks.
Okay sounds good
Miss ya
Same here, look forward to seeing you guys
Ditto. Looking forward to heading south?
Yeah I am.
Need anything, like Tony's Italian sandwich with sweet happy and salami?
that would be cappy
That would be nice
When do you head out this morning?
Around 9:30
Breakfast yet?
Soon yes
After market, what else is on the agenda today?
We are visiting the village all day. I repeat the market was yesterday 

Got it. I am a confused like Moonstruck.
Haha. Not sure when we are leaving for Cusco tomorrow
Proud of you. Stay safe. Good group to travel with?
Yes they are pretty good.
Excellent. Talk to the professors much.
Yes a lot. They are a lot of fun
Good to hear. Anything else I can do for you even though you are halfway around the world?
Not really I am fine. A lot of fun here
Good, and I am glad you are hanging out with other cultures.
Yes it is a whole different world. Lots of poverty but little crime. They are good people
That speaks volumes about the Peruvians
Yeah they are good. The area we are in is the most rustic for sure. Cusco is for the tourists and the Amazon has more facilities for us.
But it will be great to have toilets that flush without pouring water into them
I'll bet. Camera working well for you?
Oh yes fantastic. Around 400 photos and video so far. Still on same batteries
Good. Able to take a shower there?
Yes but waiting till Cusco where it is nicer. Shaved though
You hippy!
You come see what we are living in
I don't mind but I'll like the facilities in Cusco tomorrow
I understand. You are roughing it but you are learning to make do. That is commendable.
Oh yeah it is fun. I found out that we are in the poorest part of Peru. But don't worry no danger
And tomorrow we leave anyways
These people are obviously proud, compassionate and have their dignity, which is more than I can say about the White House.
I have a 100 stories to tell when I get home. So many experiences
I want to hear all of them and please record them. I have been publishing our talks on Facebook on my blog. It is well read.
That's good thank you
I think it is exciting and not many of us get to see a culture close up like you have. Man, am I proud of you.
Still there?
Yes Thank you
Mom misses you for sure
Good humming bird shot I took
That's great
Getting a bunch of them now and everything is green and lush. Raining a little now. Heading to a game this afternoon.
Oh cool have fun
Anything else you want to talk about.
Got to go soon but I'll try and talk later
OK. Love ya and keep a sharp eye out.

Love you too I will
Bye. Mom will talk to you later.
shirley sent me birthday message
watching keepers on netflix about missing nun so good
Are you OK over there?

Yes fine
Heard about London but fine here
We watch it. I will give you this from CNN: Manchester, England (CNN)At least 19 people are dead and about 50 injured in a possible terrorist incident Monday night at Manchester Arena in England, where pop singer Ariana Grande was performing, Greater Manchester Police said.
"This is currently being treated as a terrorist incident until police know otherwise," Manchester police said on Twitter.
"We can confirm there was an incident as people were leaving the Ariana Grande show last night. The incident took place outside the venue in a public space. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the victims," police said early Tuesday on Twitter.
Chat Conversation End
Wednesday and Tuesday’s entires 5/23-5/24
We were kept out of the loop for most of Tuesday as Anthony took an arduous nine-hour journey down threw the Andes Mountains to Cusco. Anthony said is was long, rough ride, but he credits the drivers’ precision for keeping the UMF crowd out of harms way. Without word for him, his parents were ready to greenlight an incursion by the U.S. Marines.
Hey, check in please Anthony, please write
Here 9 hour drive Worst but it's over
Are you ok, how bad was it you prob. haven't even eaten..I was worried mum,glad your okay
TUE 10:09PM
Just long and curving. I am fine. Had dinner in cusco
Love ya. Glad you are fine.
morning from mum kids love stories I tell them about your trip
Oh good I am glad they do. Today we will tour Cusco
Very colonial looking here. Part of our Hostel is built on Inca walls
That is great. Sorry about the long trip. I am happy you are safe. how are you feeling?
Feeling good. Healthy the whole trip Friday is Machu Piccu
I am excited for you. I wish I could say the same. I am having a root canal done in Portland tomorrow. The pain is incredible. But don't worry about me. Just have fun and be careful.
Love ya
how are you? mom taking day off tomorrow to take dad to oral surgeon in..portland
Okay sounds good hope it goes fine
me too how was today
It was good. Saw some Inca sites
that sounds cool what food you eat hello
Regular food They cook for tourists in cusco Burgers and the like great...
Facilities must be better
Oh yes so much nicer.
you will have a lot to tell us when u get home
one week from tomorrow
Yes so many stories. Great time Yeah I start heading home then yeah
Oh cool Taking tons of photos
Awesome thank you
can't wait to see photos and kids are excited to see you in spanish class
Oh that's neat. Yes they will have a lot to see with the photos
Yeah that would work.
your friends will be glad to see you...
Yeah can't wait to see them. Having fun but being home would be good
true... i bet the amazon is going to be so great and machu pichu
Yes can't wait. Tomorrow we visit the sacred valley and take a night train to aguas calientes. Friday piccu
jeff wants to get together too
That would be good
Yes we do. Mostly what's on the radio
spanish? english
Spanish mostly. Sometimes stuff on Q. Classic rock in hostels
neat....we miss you but glad your having a good trip.. memorable
Yes it is great
Looking forward to seeing you guys though Maine is still the best
what do you do on night train? dad wants to know
We ride for about an hour to the town below machu piccu
Yes two nights there. Like a tourist resort
very cool…. dad coming on now..

how are you feeling?

Love ya
Did you get video of the ride down Love you too, Miss ya something fierce what are you doing now?
Little bit. I have a lot of video but not from the 9 hour ride. Motion sick bad No straight roads only tops of mountains. Thank god we won't do it again
That sucks. It is like Cadillac Mountain to 50th power
Just relaxing
how are your new digs
Like Cadillac mointain for 9 hours in vans and busses yeah They are good
Getting tooth done tomorrow. I want my mouth back. Had bad pain last night and today. Stayed home. Pain that can make you cry.
Oh I'm sorry. Glad you will get it taken care of.
Can't be helped. It beats being in pain for the last seven months.
Yeah that's true
Money holding out?
Yes plenty Have some US leftover
We will be looking at stove this weekend
Yes. I exchanged 300 and got 920 which is enough Sounds good
I love ya and proud of you Miss home?
Thanks I appreciate
So a train ride tomorrow?
Yes I do. Yes
Group getting along
Yeah they are not bad. I get along
Every one knows each other or you have become acquaintances
Nobody knew each other but we have gotten to know each other
Cool. Professors cool?
Oh yes very good
Good. Be careful up there please.No horsing around up at the mountain
Oh no I don't. When people are stupid I go my own way
Smart guy, but we knew that.
Thank you
Want to talk to mom more or do want to ask me anything.
Whatever works for you guys
OK, I love ya. Here is mom. Looking forward to your return, but take care of yourself and have fun. Here is mom now.
how you sleeping ?
you prob. need vacation from vacation?
Pretty good actuallu Actually get free time
Yes a good amount
watching pos about meteor shower strike..
Time to relax and stuff
Oh cool
can't wait for end of school summer....vacation
signing off soon for night...
talk to you tomorrow mom

Yes same here. Okay have a good night
Love you too
Chat Conversation End
Thursday’s Entries, 5/25/17
Anthony is on his way to Machu Picchu. The UMF contingent is taking the red-eye to this breath-tacking sight tonight.
All aboard!
So we will stay in touch with him via Facebook as usual.
taking dad to oral surgeon at 9 going to xmas tree shop b.a.m.
Oh cool have fun
mom here may get new stove at Agren 100.00 off
Oh that sounds good. At ollantaytambo, night train at 9 How is Dad?
Dad is recovering. Didn't feel a thing, but the pain that morning almost made me pass out in the office. It took just over an hour. The doctor originally crew up in Boston. We talked about Jews in Revere because he is Jew. He is intelligent and took away my pain. I was in a bad way.
Good glad it's fixed
mom here
Having dinner at place with wifi
tony harrington pulled me over this morning for not wearing seat belt i got warning...
right at dd
Oh Wow
took me by surprise… you take train at 9
Yes I am. Right near station now
cool...machupicho will be fun
Yes it will be great
miss you though....tabby is grouchy....he misses you
Aww I miss my baby
yes we got invitation to jared party.june 4
Oh cool we will go
dad needs Facebook page of his own
Haha yeah
how did today go?
It was good. Went to zoo and Inca battle site here. Mostly travelling day
nice what did you see at zoo?
All kinds of animals that were rescued from black market
oh cool.....what u eat for supper
Ordered chicken still here
you must miss chocolate milk
Yes very much
dad will rototill garden this weekend...3 day weekend…
Oh cool
we will go to cemetery in solo sunday
That is good
dad here Staying at better digs?
Yes hotel near machu piccu tonight We have been acclimated for a week. Heading lower now
Cool. I am a little out of the loop because the left side of my face misses the pain
That's okay. Yeah machu piccu is lower, than back to Cusco for a night, then jungle
So what else is new. I know I am feeling so much better. The dentist called me tonight to see how I am doing.
That's good glad you are feeling better
Thanks. The last two days were harsh lesson in pain when a tooth erupts at the nerve center. But you see, no nerves
Yes that is terrible You feeling well?
Yes all good. No reaction to food.
That is great to hear. Mark Mogenson's daughter caught something in Africa and went on antibiotics.
Dude, where art thou?
Sorry for food Got food Got to go will try and message around 11
OK, I will be up. Love you so much and beware of Three-Finger Willy. He is out there
Chat Conversation End
Friday, 5/26/17
Anthony’s visit to Machu Picchu was breathtaking sight for the UMF contingent. I am looking forward to pictures and tales from his visit.
He is back in Cusco where he will proceed to the Amazon basin to explore that segment of Peru. Lions and Tigers and Bears, oh my. The UMF crew will be escorted by Peruvian state park rangers. I feel good about that.
Can’t wait to have him back on Friday.
Safe at hotel
Good night. Love ya
FRI 6:27AM
Same here. Leaving early for Machu Picchu this morning.
FRI 3:31PM
It was great What a place. Now going to hot springs to relax then dinner
oh sounds nice.. did you go in hot springs?soak like hot tub… we bought new stove appliance. They deliver it next thurs. june 1
FRI 5:48PM
Oh awesome I'm glad. Hot springs were cool Dinner soon
what for dinner
Tomorrow leave early for Cusco. Message in the evening.
Love ya
Saturday and Sunday, 5/25-5/26
Right now, Anthony and his UMF crew have gone silent as they head toward Peru’s Amazon basin. There is no Internet where they are going and that means they are off the air until Wednesday.
This sound of silence has his two parents worried and out of the loop for 72 hours. We will have no contact him through Facebook, which makes for a lonely Memorial Day holiday for both for two parents who are counting the minutes until his return.
I have the U.S. Marines on speed dial just in case.
All we can do is remain positive as they travel to a region of the world that includes anaconda snakes, jaguars and assorted big bugs.
Worried? You bet! Seventy two hours seems like a year when you can’t speak with your son.
So we wait in silence.
Here are a few transmissions from Anthony before entered a location where the Internet doesn’t exist. No Internet? Sounds enticing to me.
Aww cute. Back in cuscc Oh cool. We just got briefed by our guides tomorrow jungle. Message after dinner.
okay good.. talk then
Yeah probably like 8:50 or 9 your time
cool... what for supper
Going to look in a minute
SAT 10:14PM
Sorry just got on. I leave at 5:30 tomorrow. No internet until Wednesday night. I will be fine. I love you guys
How long is the ride?
How long is the ride?
You there?
The ride is 9 hours with stops. None of it remote, people go there. Love ya talk to you Wednesday.
love ya mom
Chat Conversation End
Thursday June 1/Friday June 2, 2017 FINAL CHAPTER
Terri and I were on edge after Anthony’s visit to the Amazon basin in Peru. We wanted him back and he couldn’t wait to get home after an adventure that few people ever get to do in their lifetimes. He was off he beaten trail and saw a part of the world that is often ignored by tourists. He spent nights in hostels, scaling mountains and spent hours on mountain roads with eye-opening views of Peru’s mountainous landscape.
We picked up our weary traveler at Logan Airport on Friday. I was so nervous about his 12-hour flight home, I spent the morning tracking his flight on my MAC.
Well, the Anthony has landed and his parents can rest easy he is not scaling another mountain. He spent 18 days with two University of Maine at Farmington professors who gave UMF students the grand tour of a nation rich in history.
Here are his final conversations with us before he arrived in Boston at around 11:30 a.m.
Back in cusco
Thank god. We worried. Lightning here and thunder. Got to run to write a story. Just got back from Farmington. Love ya.
Love you too
You OK
Fine just got in
Message details soon just walked through door
OK, I will talk to you around 10:30 ur time.
Jungle was awesome and terrifying. Great experience. Glad to be back though Going to dinner for an hour or so
Love ya. Now you know how Teddy Roosevelt felt on the River of Doubt.
Yes it was quite the experience Talk to you tomorrow
Love you handsome. Can't wait to see you.
Same here!
THU 6:30AM
glad your back from amazon can't wait until tomorrow to pick you up…

mum can't wait to hear your stories

Yes can't wait to see you tomorrow
me too you be about noon ....we will leave at 9
Yes I think so. Will send all info later this morning
you must be tired...
need vacation from vacation
Yes will be nice to relax. I start work Monday but mostly 3 hour shifts next week
thats not bad... can't wait to see pictures
Cool I took a lot
amazon must have been fun, you see diff. animals...
Yes all creatures great and small Oh yeah tons of different kinds monkeys Yes saw those. Birds too.
birds must be beautiful what was terrifying
Everything. It is a beautiful place and the same time the most hostile environment in the world.
how hostel new stove comes today dietician appt
Countless dangerous animals and plants, constantly changing weather
Oh cool
oh wow yes dangerous animals....hopefully you took pics of some animals
Yeah I got a good amount
you'll need new photo albums...or scrapbooks… off to school ttyl mum have a good day
Yes both probably Thanks you too
THU 8:29AM
Dude, I love ya. Can't wait to see you.
Same here. We will land in Boston at 11:08 tomorrow. Terminal B or whatever is United. Even if it's not B head to the United. I won't have internet after this because I will be travelling
THU 10:27AM
What time are you departing?

4:30 flight from Cusco to Lima. Layover, then to Newark. Layover, then to Boston
Can't wait. Looking forward to you regaling us with your fantastic stories and seeing your pictures. OK, got it. Man do you we miss you. How about Kelly's or the Kowloon? Your pick?
Yes can't wait to see you
Kelly's or the Kowloon?
Ooh that's a hard choice
We are not making it easy for you
What are you doing now?
Packed up and waiting for lunch. I'm ready to go now Can't wait. Had fun but there comes a time when you get dobe
I understand, Being a world traveler can wear you out.
Yeah. Maybe we can talk about lunch when you get me? Not sure yet.
No need for a quick decision. Just making you an offer you can't refuse.
Haha I won't refuse it.
We just want you home We will leave for Logan at 7:30 a.m. If you don't see us, don't panic and I have my cell phone on.
Same here
When do you depart from Cusco?
We depart vuscp at 4:30 Flights all night and morning
Great, you will droopy and wanting to sleep
I'll sleep on the plane. I want to be awake in the afternoon
Smart move! You are indeed a thinker. Stove comes today. Kitchen super clean, working bathroom.
Awesome thanks so mucg
Anything for you, brother. We were in a trance waiting for you to check in on Wednesday. Covered a Mt. Blue game. Big lightning bolt and thunder sent everybody running for cover last night. Hellacious ride home. More thunder today. I feel like we live in the rainforest.
Oh wow that's too bad. Yeah I was hoping to get home sooner from the jungle to let you guys know. The ride was 12 hours, 14 with stops
Jesus Christ, that must have been hellacious, too. Wow. You need a vacation from a vacation.
Yeah it was something for sure. Yeah it will be nice to relax this weekend.
How many miles was it? Getting along with the group.
Not sure. The bus could only go 30 on those mountain roads.
Holy shit. Was it a long drop down
Yeah it was a good group. Yeah it was.
That helps alot You need some good home cooking!
Yeah they were good. We all had a lot of fun. Tell me about it! Everything here is bread
Yeah, because they are poor
Oh I know. But my bowels were not grateful. I was not that picky but I miss my home food.
Yeah, that can bind you up. You will have to turn to vegetables. Anything that comes out of the ground, I will eat. Salad keep it moving.
We had plenty of veggies too. When I'm hungry I can't argue.
Good. I don't want you looking like a POW.
No I'm fine. But I won't miss my fish coming with the head attached
Wow, that's the way the Mafia sends it to the families of people they have knocked off. That's funny.
Yeah it's funny looking your food in the idea.
I don't my food staring back at me. I prefer it headless.
Yeah same here
What kind of plane are you taking to Lima?
Jet plane, tourists come through all the time
Good, no twi-engine prop job.
No it's jet which is good
How long is the flight?
Like an hour and a half
Fast! Cool
Yeah the only long flight is Lima to Newark
Is security good there?
Airports yes, but otherwise not really. The police are kept so busy Cusco is kind of disgusting with crime
Great, watch yourself man
Hey I'm done here. Lunch and taxi to airport
I discovered our TV is also a stereo with the Blue Ray. Listening to music
OK, we'll we hear from you again
Oh that's neat After I leave for airport no internet
So when it that again?
I won't be able to talk after 2. Maybe text from newark
I want you to text me from Newark. I will have the Cell next to me in the bedroom or on the road
Okay I will do that
Thanks. Wish mom could talk to you, but she just wants you back and so do I.
I know I'm nearly there.
You bet, but I am proud.
Thank you
You want me to stay on or are you about to be busy?
Not busy till 11 it's up to you
I will stay on. Need anything when you return All set with money
Just that beautiful lunch. I think I am set. I still have 100 cash leftover which if it's okay with you I will put in the bank. I have not worked for a month so that will keep me going for a few weeks
Keep it. Are you going to exchange your pesos back to American bills?
I will exchange about 150 soles. That will give me 50 US
keep that, too. Really that will help having the $150.00
Yes it will help a lot.
Was the money enough for the trip?
Oh yes plenty. 1 us dollar is 3.2 soles
Good to know. Glad you had a great time and money lasted.
Yes it was more than enough. Got some great souvenirs tpp Too
Cool, can't wait to check them out
Yeah you will like them
I am sure I will Mom will get a kick out of them.
Oh yeah I think she will. I start at the ywca Monday but it's mostly just 3 hours a day this week
Hey, it helps, but take it easy this weekend. No need to go crazy.
Oh I know I won’t But I will be fine
Stomach holding up. No evidence of stomach bugs?
No it's been good, never got sick at all. At times I wouldn't go for days because of the bread though. Got motion sick in Apurimac canyon but did not throw up
Well, that is natural. Your body has the final say.
Yeah that's true. Did so much driving the ride from Mass to Maine will be like 5 mins
I am sure it will, but we will take it slow enjoy our time and your stories.
Oh yeah we will
Got a lot done around here. I spend three damn days on the yard because it got ahead of me, but it is planted.
That's great thank you
Yeah, it looks green and lush. The rain won't relent. It sucks, really. I have been rained in four damn games. I am like an old wet rag.
Oh I'm sorry hopefully it will stop soon. All it did before I left was rain
Hasn't changed. We had a good week and the fucking block high returned. I have had to wear a jacket up in Farmington. Can you believe it.
Wow that's nuts. All through may
Yup. Depressing and the inflamed tooth was like being tortured by the Nazis.
Yeah glad that's taken care of it.
Well, I still have two more visits. One the filling and then the crown. That pain was something.
Yeah tooth pain is horrible
You got that right. Just take it easy. It will be good to see you and go to the concert and Portland for the festival.
Oh yeah we will have fun
Yes we will.
Need anything special at home. We have chocolate milk and juice for you
I would love some mozzarella Stick s
Yeah at some point but for one dinner that would be cool.
We will take care of that
Thank you so mucg
My pleasure
Thinking maybe kowloon tomorrow but we'll see
That's fine. Maybe I should call Bobby Vitali to meet us there, but that is up to you.
Sounds good
Lunch soon for you?
Yep in a few minutes
No hurry All packed
Trump a big issue for there, too?
Yes I am, and rearing to gp
Not really here
We will be there on time, for sure.
Sounds good
Next stop Lima for how long a layover
In Lima the layover is 4 hours
Get dinner there Yeah
Can't talk from there, right?
No no internet. In Newark I can turn my service on again
Cool. Safe trip and we will see you in 24 hours. Are you all set?
I am
OK, I love you. See soon then.
Love you too sounds good
I will let you go
Go get and enjoy
THU 2:37PM
love mo

Hi off to airport see you tomorrow 

love ya
Oh cool. Am at newark
Chat Conversation End
Stay tuned for more of Anthony’s Excellent Adventure and a subplot about two worried parents.
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