“You can't have people making decisions about the future of the world who are scientifically illiterate. That's a recipe for disaster. And I don't mean just whether a politician is scientifically literate, but people who vote politicians into office."
Neil deGrasse Tyson
Editor’s note: I wrote this letter in response to Idaho U.S. representative Raul Labrador’s absurd comment about health care. Yes, I am a registered democrat who often disagrees with the Republican’s agenda, but when you make a comment like this, no matter what party you are from, it demeans all voters and whittles away our trust in our leaders. Please, no acerbic comments. Save it for the Internet trolls who post their anger on news organizations' websites.
Representative Raul Labrador did you understand the repercussions of your callous remark when you uttered "Nobody dies because they don't have access to health care?”
I am shocked by your arrogance and how uninformed you are about the health-care issue.
Nearly everyday I am embarrassed by unenlightened congressmen or presidents who have NO clear understanding of issues — or American history for that matter. I guess, sir, you are an active member in that exclusive club, which contributes to our disillusionment of our leaders.
Let me help you, Mr. Labrador, especially since you clearly don’t understand the health-care issue in this nation.
According to Time magazine: “A 2009 study published in the American Journal of Public Health before Obamacare became law said that 45,000 deaths in the U.S. were linked to a lack of health insurance.” Congressman, people who have health insurance live longer and are treated with respect in any emergency room.
That is a fact, Sir!
This is not fake news even though the current administration has made it a priority to discredit dedicated journalists.
The only thing that is really fake is the GOP’s agenda. Anyway, thank you for solidifying my loyalty to the Democratic Party.
But then again I shouldn’t be surprised when a member of the GOP makes another insulting and inaccurate statement. Absurd, inaccurate and hateful comments have become epidemic from the right side of political spectrum, and much of it starts from the top at the White House.
Tony Blasi
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