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Sunday, November 6, 2016

Clinton CLEARLY the right choice

“Let us never forget that government is ourselves and not an alien power over us. The ultimate rulers of our democracy are not a President and senators and congressmen and government officials, but the voters of this country.” 

President Franklin D. Roosevelt

Editor’s note: Notice that FDR did not use I or me in this profound quote. No wonder why he was elected four terms. 

AUBURN — There is a candidate running for the United States presidency that begins most of his sentences with “I” and ends them with “me,” and you never hear the word “we” during his endless tirades filled with insults.

For the past year, the man with the fat wallet and big mouth has been spewing barbs about anybody and has insulted most of the inhabitants of the planet.

His name is emblazoned on buildings across New York City so I won’t mention him by name because it makes sane people nauseous.

I don’t know how voters cannot turn a deaf ear to a man whose locker room talk shocked an entire nation. He is certainly no gentleman or diplomat.

He says he is going to make America great again. I always thought this nation is a swell place to live. He also wants to build a wall on the Mexican border, but I guess he doesn’t know there is a great big wall to keep people, who are desperately seeking a better life, out of a country that was founded on people fleeing poverty and social upheaval. 

Not only that, he makes fun of them and deems them all a nation of miscreants.

And his verbal assaults on the human race do not stop there.

His acerbic comments should concern all constituents who will decide between Hillary Clinton and a narcissist who is only interested in himself and treats this campaign like a rock concert. By the way, if you haven’t heard, Clinton was cleared by the FBI over recent emails that were discovered on another computer.

Narcissists make horrible leaders because it is all about them, and when you run for president, it should be about us — although most of congress has forgotten that, too.

It is all about “We the people,” not “I’m the guy.” This guy forgets he has congress to deal with — if he is elected — and there are checks and balances that were installed in the Constitution to prevent despots from screwing up the works.

If only Jefferson and Washington could see how far we have fallen when it comes to electing leaders with some common sense.

For those of us who don’t agree with the “it is all about me” candidate, you can vote for the other gal. You know where I stand and I can’t tell you who to vote for in this odd election. You are all grown-ups now and must make your own decisions.

The election was also about character and substance and there is no hard evidence that those prerequisites exist in the Republican campaign.

I decided I wouldn't vote for him the first time he opened his mouth.

I doubt all of his supporters are deplorable, but I do know he is despicable as well as uniformed.

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