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Saturday, October 19, 2013

A vote to end stupidity and allowing common sense to prevail

"He knows nothing and thinks he knows everything. That points clearly to a political career."
                                        George Bernard Shaw 

AUBURN, Maine — Frustrated citizens let us stand and give the United States Congress  a rousing round of applause for cleaning up their self-inflicted mess that made the United States appear like a house of cards and the laughing stock of the world. 

Federal workers are back on the job and national parks and monuments are open for business, but that doesn't mean there are no hard feelings between the public and its leaders.

It took over two weeks for our unreliable leaders to figure out that shutting down a government and dragging their heels on raising the debt ceiling wasn't good politics. This debacle was brought to you by a group of self-righteous fools who ended up drawing the ire of their fed-up constituents.

Let's hope citizens who do vote will channel their resentment and disgust at the polls when they cast their ballots.

Never forget that these class clowns made a mockery of our government and shut down a nation in a fruitless and reckless attempt to defund Obamacare that, by the way, was upheld by the Supreme Court.

Of course, there were a few congressmen with the horse sense to put an end to rampant stupidity that was precipitated by a rogue element from within the Republican Party.  You have to hand it to Tea Party members for bringing down the House and Senate with their warped convictions.

But American citizens weren't the only ones shaking their heads. This fruitless attempt to dump Obamacare and refusing to raise the debt ceiling triggered world-wide condemnations from Germany, China and France.

I was proud to see President Obama wouldn't budge on the issue and I cheered when the Tea Party was slapped back and received its comeuppance. 

Sure, congress and the president kicked our budget dilemma down the road and a sequel is already in production and will hit the big screens in February if our leaders can't find common ground and come to a reasonable decision.

That's where you come in — the American voter.   So please don't forget the "Hole in the Wall" gang at the polls because this rogue element doesn't care about its citizens or the harm these out-of-touch men have done to a great country's reputation, character and determination.

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Take a walk on the wild side around New England's outdoors. Come walk with my son and I as we explore state parks, historic sites, and creepy cemeteries. This is the good stuff in life, and there is nothing worth watching on television, anyway. Join us as we take advantage of Maine's beaches and pristine forests. In between our sojourns through the Pine Tree State, look for political insight and a few well-written opinion pieces as well.