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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Essential personnel

"A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person." 

~Mignon McLaughlin
Dear Terri,
Happy Mother's Day!
I am fortunate that you remain by my side. We have lost so many people the last few impossible years, and we will never get them back.
Anyway, you know I love you, and thanks for seeing me through the darkest moments in my life. Remember, I would stand up for you until I dropped.
You are a special person who has experienced her own journey into the abyss, but I think we found a way out of that deep, awful hole together despite those tumultuous periods in our lives. We have turned out to be wonderful parents who created this extraordinary son.
I am grateful to you for keeping me from falling into this muddy pond of grief. There has been a lot of sorrow the past two years.
Mother's Day will now serve as a day of remembrance for our mothers who both passed away last year. But I will also look upon this special day as a way to honor a special person and remarkable mother.
I am still baffled at how you put up with me. Living with me is like being on board a runaway freight train barreling down the tracks without a conductor. And yet, you found a way to tolerate a man whose passion for life can be quite overwhelming.
I am also impressed with your courage for undergoing life-saving back surgery last year, knowing all along that nothing is guaranteed when you face the surgeon's knife. Those four months, which were filled with uncertainty, foreboding and sadness, put an enormous strain on both of us. Thanks to our steel anchor — Anthony — we discovered a way out of that maze of sorrow and apprehension.
After 21 years of marriage, I think we both have come to appreciate and truly understand the phrase: "for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health."
Happy Mother's Day, Terri. And thanks for making my life richer and more exciting. I appreciate it.
Your husband Tony

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