This blog was born out of grief over the loss of several loved ones and a series of stressful events that traumatized this wonderful family. Call it therapy for the soul. As a journalist, I figured that writing stories about the positive moments in our lives is more appealing than wallowing in sadness. Enjoy!
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Friday, July 28, 2017
Goodfellows52: Goodfellows52: Having a garden party without all t...
Goodfellows52: Goodfellows52: Having a garden party without all t...: Goodfellows52: Having a garden party without all the political ba... : "I grow plants for many reasons: to please my eye or to please m...
Three senators who have the right stuff
“Always do right. This will gratify some people and astonish the rest,” — Mark Twain
AUBURN — Last night, the nation witnessed three congressmen do what is right and ignored being intimidated by their party and a bellicose president.
Talk about going against the grain.
Republican Sens. John McCain, Lisa Murkowski and Susan Collins voted the against the GOP’s “skinny repeal” of Obamacare. McCain casted the deciding vote with little fanfare.
Anyway, I am no republican and I have little regard for senate republicans, but I witnessed three people stand up for the country’s citizens, knowing full well it could cost them politically.
Now that is something.
Kudos to them and a round of applause for three leaders who didn’t sell out their constituency.
Despite all the back-biting and mud-slinging going at the White House, three courageous congressman proved America can still think on its feet.
Here is the following thank-you letter I sent to their offices today:
July 28, 2017
Dear Sens. John McCain, Lisa Murkowski and Susan Collins,
It is almost unheard of to witness a member of congress going against their political party to do the right thing during a crucial vote concerning millions of lives. Going against the grain will never earn you votes, but I suspect the three of you knew that going into last night’s vote.
But in the middle of the night, all three of you made a tough choice after being strong-armed by your own party and a vengeful president.
Thank you all for not throwing 22 million Americans under the bus. I appreciate your sacrifice and your votes made a critical difference in millions of American lives. All three of you can walk away with pride. You all did something heroic and I wanted to express my appreciation.
The sad part is Obamacare isn’t evil, but if the GOP took the necessary steps to improve it, then the entire party would have looked like heroes.
Look, I am a liberal democrat and a native from the great state of Massachusetts — that is Kennedy country. Of course, I don’t agree with much anything when it comes to the GOP — especially with this current crop of spiteful senators.
I also believe EVERY American deserves health care, not just members of congress or the flippant president, who believes insulting people, especially women, gets results.
But yet, Sen. McCain you fought another good fight. But you have been doing that all along for your nation, whether it was in the air over Vietnam or going head-to-head with your own party. Sen. Collins, I now live in Maine, and I have never voted for you, but last night, you earned my respect for holding the high ground, and that also goes for Sen. Murkowski, who was also leaned on by the White House.
Sen. McCain I wish success in your battle with cancer. Our thoughts are with you.
Kudos to all of you and you have the thanks from a liberal democrat. I know it is hard to believe, but I am sure there of many of us who feel the same.
Thank you again,
Anthony Blasi
Sunday, July 2, 2017
Goodfellows52: Having a garden party without all the political ba...
Goodfellows52: Having a garden party without all the political ba...: "I grow plants for many reasons: to please my eye or to please my soul, to challenge the elements or to challenge my patience, for ...
Having a garden party without all the political balderdash in D.C.
"I grow plants for many reasons: to please my eye or to please my soul, to challenge the elements or to challenge my patience, for novelty or for nostalgia, but mostly for the joy in seeing them grow."
— David Hobson
AUBURN — My garden is growing as fast as the furor over the president’s fusillade of pathetic and juvenile tweets.
If you are looking for fireworks on this Fourth of July, look no farther than our nation’s capital.
Nonsense in the White House thrives and my plants are also flourishing thanks to tender loving care, which is absent in Washington D.C.
There is little evidence of compassion from our leaders, but here on the open range in Maine, we treat our garden like we treat other human beings — with love and devotion.
But you can’t fix stupidity in the nation’s capital, where incessant backbiting and barbs hang over our nation, sparking hate and rage across the country.
Enough about politicians who can’t play well with others and refuse to work for the greater good. There is a garden to tend to in spite of our capital that is hopelessly awash in anger and ineptness.
Garden of delight
Barring a tornado, tsunami or an errant tweet, my flower and vegetable gardens are looking sturdy and I have seen a bloom or two, giving me confidence in this season’s endeavor.
My potato plants appear to be taking performance-enhancing drugs without my knowledge. This is the first time I have planted to potatoes because my wife wanted fresh taters. I quickly agreed to preserve peace and prosperity in the Blasi household. Of course, I don’t like sleeping on the couch, either.
The zucchini and summer squash plants are on a mission, but I confess that I had to use a touch of pesticide to combat aphids and cucumber bugs to keep those vegetables healthy. The peppers, always late bloomers, are getting there and that could be said for my eggplants. Lettuce and spinach grown from seed are looking real good, especially with some Newman’s Own salad dressing smeared all over those leafy greens.
My yard also supplies me with fresh apples, blueberries and pears.
While we wait for our leaders to do their jobs, I will be out in the garden tending to my flock of fantastic plants, but the bilious politicians, who can’t reach a compromise or stop berating each over the Internet, won’t be on the receiving end of fresh vegetables from me.
Sweet birds of youth
Mourning doves have no fear.
They are handsome pigeons that hum their laments mornings and evenings. When they are startled, they fly away with a distinct whistling sound.
They waddle underneath my bird feeder picking up scraps. They often travel in pairs and are not intimidated by human beings, especially this 6-foot-3, 300-pound man who marvels at creatures great and small.
They just give me a glance and keep on pecking at the ground.
I needed some air and stepped out in the front yard to seat myself at an outdoor table on a muggy July night. I looked down for a moment and there were two young mourning doves not startled in the least. They came within two feet of me and just sat there looking at me. I closed my eyes, nodded off in my lawn chair and they just rested with me.
We have a variety of birds that visit the front yard. A row of thick hedges gives them cover.
I sat there for 40 minutes as the pair of birds and I stared at each other.
Some people say mourning doves represent death. I say that is a bunch of crap from superstitious people who should know better.
They are cute, cuddly, and I enjoy their sweet, sad song. They are always welcomed in my yard.
Anyway, happy birthday, America. As an optimist, I know we will weather poor leadership and reaffirm our resilience on this holiday.
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Take a walk on the wild side around New England's outdoors. Come walk with my son and I as we explore state parks, historic sites, and creepy cemeteries. This is the good stuff in life, and there is nothing worth watching on television, anyway. Join us as we take advantage of Maine's beaches and pristine forests. In between our sojourns through the Pine Tree State, look for political insight and a few well-written opinion pieces as well.