Some of the best walking trails around the Twin Cities in Maine can also be the best kept secrets. For instance, behind Auburn Middle School (AMS) are narrow trails that run parallel to a couple of soccer fields.
If you are tired taking brisk walks around the neighborhood and being annoyed by annoying dogs and don't want to drive far to enjoy a quick visit with nature, then drive up behind Auburn Middle School and follow the maze of trails that secretly surround these giant playing fields.

These narrow trails offer solitude and weave around the backyards of well-kept homes. These paths take many twists and turns, giving a hiker a feeling that he has stumbled into an endless maze of paths that sometimes lead to nowhere. The shrubs and trees that encroach on trails are stunning and give you a feeling that you are trekking through a vast state park.
In the winter, the trails are used by cross country skiers, but in the summer, these paths come alive with brilliant shrubbery and team with wildlife, and provide a quick workout for walkers.
If the trails haven't tired you out, take a long walking loop around the open fields at AMS. The wide clearing that sits next to the playing fields also make a safe place to launch model rockets without fear of watching them get hung up in trees or lost in the woods.
But after a rain storm, the trails become muddy, forcing walkers to step lively as they try to avoid plunging into ankle-deep camouflaged puddles. It is also wise to bring the bug spray when the hot summer months dry out these tranquil fields and insects come out in full force to annoy any walker.
So when stepping out for your daily walk, step into the maze of trails that secretly work their way around Auburn Middle School and find some peace of mind.
If you feel like you are caught in a financial quagmire and money is as scarce as good manners thanks to hard times, well, you are not alone.
But if you are fortunate to have a job and the moral support of a strong and loving family, there are ways to do more with less, without depriving ourselves of enjoying life's small but treasured pleasures. Where ever you live, there is always something to do, and it doesn't mean you have to take a small loan to have some fun.
Stayed tuned to this blog, and hopefully, we all can share of a few ideas where we can entertain our children without the aid of a computer or a television set.
Out and about
Take a walk on the wild side around New England's outdoors. Come walk with my son and I as we explore state parks, historic sites, and creepy cemeteries. This is the good stuff in life, and there is nothing worth watching on television, anyway. Join us as we take advantage of Maine's beaches and pristine forests. In between our sojourns through the Pine Tree State, look for political insight and a few well-written opinion pieces as well.